Transport grants for schools

Transport grants for schools are granted for trips that have been planned in co-operation with forest professionals. It can be a trip to a forest, participation to a forest-themed day organized for schoolchildren, an industrial visit or a trip to other place related to the forest livelihood. The most important thing is that the program includes presentation of the forest livelihood, silviculture or the forest industry. The Executive director of the Finnish Forest Foundation makes the decision of transport grants.

Applying for the transport grant

How to apply? Write an application in our Grant System and send it at minimum three weeks before the event. The Foundation will not process applications arriving late.

You can apply grants here.

Report after the excursion

Reporting is a requirement for every grant and should be sent in the Grant System. The report should fit in about one page. Please answer to following questions:

  • How did you fulfil the learning aims of the excursion?
  • How do you utilise things learned on the field trip later in the shcool work?
  • What did schoolchildren think about the trip?

No minute-schedule are needed in the report. The report can be published on the website of Finnish Forest Foundation. You can add pictures to the report, but remember to check the rights of publishing those pictures.

Forest Foundations visibility in the project

The grant recipient agrees to clearly bring visibility to the Finnish Forest Foundation in the course of the project and in the project’s final product.


